Check Out This Video Of U.S. Marine F-35B Jets Refueling Over the Middle East.
A Look Back at the F-35Bs deployed to the Middle East on the 243rd Birthday of the USMC. Today is the 243rd Anniversary of the United States Marine Corps. The…
Tom Cruise Learning to Fly An F/A-18 And Other Top Gun: Maverick Rumors.
Tom Cruise May Be Learning to Take the Stick in Hornet, Hints at Plot from Video. Unconfirmed rumors have been circulating about Tom Cruise learning to fly a Navy jet,…
Watch Slovenian Air Force Pilatus PC-9M Turboprops Perform Mock Dogfights, Fly Ultra-Low Level And Drop Bombs
Interesting video shows PC-9M advanced training and close air support turboprops at work. Something you don't see every day. The Slovenian Air Force Pilatus PC-9M Swift, also called Hudournik in…
Four Specially-Marked Typhoon Jets Celebrate Eurofighter Fleet’s 500,000 Flying Hours Mark
The Eurofighter fleet has passed the 500,000 flying hours mark, an achievement celebrated by applying special markings to four jets of the four partner nations. The fleet of Eurofighter Typhoon…
Polish Air Force MiG-29 Fulcrum Jets Return To Flight
Polish Air Force MiG-29 Fulcrums back in the air. On Nov. 5, 2018, at 2:36PM, MiG-29UBM '28' of the Polish Air Force took off for a mission which marked the…
Check Out This New Video of Russia’s Sukhoi Su-57 Doing A Low-Level Photo Shoot
Russia’s Newest Fifth Generation Fighter Dances Behind An-12 In Unique Photo-Op. Great video of Russia’s latest Sukhoi Su-57 fighters emerged early this week from what appears to be a media…