Fighter jets Insane Highway Operations – Belarusian Style
Everybody remembers the videos posted on youtube in September last year, featuring the insane stunts of Russian helicopter and fighter pilots. The Eastern cultural phenomenon of having a camera in the…
[Infographic] Breakdown of the U.S. Air Force stand down
Prepared by Al Clark the following exclusive infographic maps all the unit groundings recently ordered by the U.S. Air Force as a consequence of sequestration-related budget cuts. The colors used in…
Kaman K-Max Drone – Supplier for Afghan Bases
Afghanistan is an extremely dangerous war theater. Threats include IEDs, and the Afghan rebels have Stinger ground-to-air missiles, remains of the Soviet-Afghan war, at their disposal. It is not a…
Video shows how difficult Helicopter Air-to-Air Refueling can be
The following video depicts two HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters refueling from an HC-130J Combat King II during Ex. Angel Thunder 2013. Watch the helicopters blades coming dangerously close to the…
North Korean propaganda video shows nuclear attack on the United States
Even if it is not believed to be able to conduct such a daring attack (as it neither owns missiles capable to reach Continental U.S.), North Korea believes it can…
Weather will not affect North Korea’s missile launch if Pyongyang decides to conduct one today
Although they have already begun celebrating it in the past few days, North Koreans consider April 15, birthday of Kim's grandfather, Kim Il Sung, the most important of national holidays.…