Latest Drones News
Watch a Soviet-era Battlestar Galactica spacecraft-like reconnaissance drone launched by Ukrainian forces
An interesting video shows the Ukrainian forces launching Soviet-era Tu-143 reconnaissance drones.…
That’s a weird way to move a U.S. Navy drone copter: MQ-8B Fire Scout spotted on a trailer on Interstate 405
An MQ-8 Fire Scout was spotted on a trailer on I-405 at…
Iran releases first (somehow suspicious) video of its RQ-170 stealth drone copy in flight
Eventually, a video allegedly showing the copy of Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel…
Iran has flown its version of the captured U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone modified to bomb US Navy warships
Although footage has yet to be released, Tehran claims a domestically modified…
This tiny Camcopter will help OSCE monitoring the shaky ceasefire in Ukraine
Schiebel Camcopter used by OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine made its…
This video allegedly shows a Hezbollah killer drone incinerate Al Qaeda militants in Lebanon
It looks like Hezbollah is using its weaponized drones to attack Al…