The year 2009 in pictures

Published on: December 31, 2009 at 12:34 PM

Last year, I introduced my 2008 debrief with the following words: “It’s only when you get to the end of the year that you get the full picture of what has happened in the previous 12 months. Images collected during worlwide travels, flights and base visits, used to illustrate the most different stories dealing with the World of Aviation, provide a means to get a snapshop on the most important topics discussed on this site […]”. I couldn’t find better words for this “New Year’s Eve” post dealing with the year 2009.

Pictures taken by me and Giovanni Maduli during the last year will guide us along some of the most important things happened in the world of Aviation.

January and February 2009 were mostly dedicated to the analysis of some aviation accidents: the US Air 1549 successful ditching into the Hudson River, the Cessna 650 misteriously exploded after departure from Rome Fiumicino, the C-17 gear-up landing in Bagram and few minor emergencies. The US Air 1549 ditching in the NYC’s Hudson River provided the input to talk about the airmanship of Capt. Sullenberger, the lessons learned and the differences between the NYC ditching and the Tuninter 1153 a topic that was discussed also in a subsequent analysis of other ditching stories. On Jan. 14 the new Alitalia was born and we were able to publish the first pictures of the dawn of the new company with the list of flights departing from Rome Fiumicino airport. In March, I published new articles of the “A day in the life of….” photostory series: Cervia and Gioia del Colle.

During the month, I visited once again the Reparto Sperimentale Volo the Test unit of the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force, ItAF), based in Pratica di Mare, the largest Italian military airport. I spent a few hours on the “PB” apron of the Sperimentale where I was able to observe the daily flying activity. The flight line had many aircraft parked or being prepared for sorties: MB.339A, MB.339CD, C-27J, C-130J, NH.500E, Tornado IDS, AMX-T ACOL, Tornado ECR, AB-212 . More or less the majority of the aircraft types in service with the ItAF were in the flight line of the squadron. In April, we visited again Frosinone airbase to write two reports that were published by Rivista Aeronautica, about the Dutch helicopters (AH-64D, CH-47 and Cougar) which periodically deploy to Frosinone to train in the mountainous areas located around the Italian airport, in tactical low level flights needed keep the currencies required to be employed in Afghanistan.

Towards the end of April I wrote my (only) article about the Air India 101. Thanks to a visitor that manages an Indian Aviation blog, I’ve had the opportunity to read an interesting story about the Air India flight 101, that crashed in Mont Blanc in 1966. The article provided some interesting details and a theory, according to which, the B-707 was collided with (or was shot down by) a military aircraft belonging to the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF). I analysed the the story and after reading the report of the investigation board I explained why the collision with an Italian aircraft was, in my opinion, an unreasonable conspiracy theory. That article and the subsequent series of comments was followed with much interest by thousands readers. Among them, the French aviation enthusiast who has spent five years researching and collecting the remains of the plane from Mont Blanc. Other interesting stories dealt with the presumed hack into the F-35 project and about the Italian air-to-air refueling capabilities as a consequence of the KC-767 delivery delays. In May, I published an extremely interesting picture of a Beechcraft Super King Air 200 aircraft with a modified nose section and wearing ATK and Vitrociset markings. The aircraft was the test bed aircraft developed for the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF) as part of the AGM-88E AARGM Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile System Development and Demonstration (SD&D). The modified nose assembly carries the AARGM guidance section to support airborne testing of the sophisticated sensor suite. On May 30 and 31 I attended the Rome International Air Show held in Ostia, above the sea, that saw the partecipation of the Frecce Tricolori, the RSV Tornado and F-2000, the 15° Stormo HH-3F, the the Patrouille de France, the Dutch F-16 Demo Team, the Canadair CL-415 of the Protezione Civile (Italian Civil Protection), the P-180 of the Piaggio Aero Industries, the Breitling Devils demo team (with 3 SF-260s), the ATR-42 of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Customs Police) and the B767 of the Alitalia. In June I had the opportunity to fly on board an SF-260EA of the 70° Stormo based in Latina to write the article that was published on Rivista Aeronautica 06/09. I flew with Enrico Maiorino, an old friend of mine, former F-104 and F-16 pilot, now flying the Siai trainer as Instructor Pilot of the 207° Gruppo. Flying along with us on the other SF-260EA of the “King Formation” was the 207° Gruppo Cdr, Maj. La Montagna and Giovanni Maduli.

On Jun. 8, the 37° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF) presented at Trapani airbase two F-16 ADF (MM7240 and MM7249) painted in special colour schemes to celebrate the 1000 Flight Hours achieved by both commanders of the 10° and 18° Gruppo, Maj. Salvatore “Cheero” Ferrara and Maj. Maurizio “Masa” De Angelis. The two “special colours” performed an interesting air display that involved also other 7 aircraft of both Squadrons, comprising MM7239 that is a sort of semi-special having the tail painted with the colours of the 10° Gruppo on the right hand side and the ones of the 18° Gruppo on the left hand side: MM7253, 7257, 7241, 7260, 7250, 7267, 7239, 7240, 7249. The mini-airshow held in Trapani with the two “specials” provided the opportunity to take some pictures of the Gioia del Colle F-2000s temporary deployed to Trapani to perform firing activities in the Sardinian range (Trapani is ideal for such a kind of activity since it is located on the coast and the armed aircraft can reach the ranges overflying only the sea). The Ciampino based 31° Stormo hosted me and Giovanni Maduli twice between June and July for reports that were published on both RID, Rivista Aeronautica and Air Forces Monthly.



Interestingly the on Jul. 13, a Falcon 900EX of the 93° Gruppo, serialled MM62171, rolled out at Rome Ciampino with a special colour scheme applied to celebrate the 100.000 flight hours of the locally-based 31° Stormo on the Falcon 50 and Falcon 900. In July, the G-8 held in L’Aquila brought to Rome many interesting visitors, the most interesting of which were the CH-47Ds escorting Mr Obama’s VH-60N. The aircraft made a stop in Rome Urbe airport before bringing the President of the US to L’Aquila Preturo airport.

Other interesting Chinooks were the Dutch ones of 298 Sqn that along with 3 AS535U2 Cougar of the 300 Sqn of the KLu (Koninklijke Luchtmacht, the Royal Netherlands Air Force) deployed to Frosinone during the first two weeks of June during the operation named “High Blaze” to conduct the “usual” low level training activity in the mountains to keep the currencies needed for deployments to Afghanistan. During the summer, I had the opportunity to visit to interesting museums, the Anzio Beachhead Museum, containing authentic uniforms, patches, badges, documents, pictures, articles of the Allied amphibious landing in the coastline area between Anzio and Nettuno, Italy, dubbed “Operation Shingle”, intended to outflank German forces and enable an attack on Rome.

The Museum offers many exhibits coming from sea in front Anzio where remains of aircraft, war and merchant ships, landing craft are still lying at various depths. Another interesting place to visit is the Piana delle Orme historical park. Located near Borgo Faiti some 90 kilometers to the South of Rome, the park hosts a heterogeneous and interesting collection that includes aircraft, tanks, locomotives, carts, models, weapons, radios. The museum’s exhibits focuses on the 20th Century. A complete visit would take some 4 hours as each pavilion has textual boards and audio guides (available in English and German too). Interestingly both an F-104S/ASA-M (believed to be the MM6722 as the serial is missing) “9-35″ formerly belonging to the 9° Stormo at Grazzanise, and an EC-119G, visible from the car park are displayed in the area between the two rows of pavilions.


The EC-119G is the example MM53-8146 “46-35″ an aircraft manufactured in 1953, employed by the Indian Air Force, then by the United Nations in Congo and later by the 46^ Aerobrigata of the Aeronautica Militare at Pisa. For this reason the aircraft still wears the 46^ AB markings. In 1975, the aircraft was modified and then taken on charge by the 71° Gruppo at Pratica di Mare, and used with radio callsign “Perseo 35″ as an Electronic Warfare asset. The aircraft made its last flight on Oct. 31, 1979 and it was the last Fairchild “Flying Boxcar” operating in Europe.It was initially destined to the Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare (ItAF Museum) at Vigna di Valle, but after resting many years at Pratica di Mare, it was acquired by the Piana delle Orme Museum in 1998. As picture I took in August 2009 show, the aircraft is in almost perfect conditions; furthermore, an hydraulic system allows the rotation of the propellers by inserting a 2 Euro coin in a sort of parking meter.

Between Oct. 18 and 19, I had the possibility to spend some 25 hours on board the USS Nimitz nuclear supercarrier. I went to Manama, Bahrain, and after a long flight in a C-2 of the VRC-30 “Providers” I trapped on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier that was sailing “somewhere” in the Indian Ocean. The purpose of my visit was to prepare a report that will be published in the next months on RID (Rivista Italiana Difesa). The visit provided the opportunity to take pictures of both day and night activity of F-18E and F “Super Hornet” (or “Rhino”), F-18C “Legacy” Hornets, EA-6B “Prowlers”, E-2C “Hawkeye” and UH-60s.


Many of the pictures I took during the embark were published on the site (and many more will be published in the future), comprising the impressive sequence of a compressor stall experienced by the F-18C (BuNo 165205 Modex 405) belonging to the VFA-86 “Sidewinders” launching from CAT number 4. The aircraft was fully loaded with fuel and it is carrying weapons too, since it was taking off to support Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Fortunately, the aircraft was able to depart in spite of the loud bang and flames coming out from the port engine exhaust.
The main event we followed in November was the Italian Armed Forces day which resulted in a series of articles. We published some stunning pictures of the helicopters leaving the Circus Maximus with the background provided by the Ancient Rome.
December was dedicated to the in-depth study of the whole year, that produced this photostory and to prepare the downloadable calendar. Throughout the whole year, I followed with particular interest the latest develpments of the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) F-35 Lightning II, the fifth generation aircraft that Italy plans to acquire in 109 examples (69 conventional take-off and landing F-35As and 40 short take-off and vertical landing F-35Bs) for both the Aeronautica Militare and the Marina Militare. I also created two brand new pages dedicated to the Naval Aviation and the Information Security, while improving the existing ones.

Obviously, this was just a quick look to the year 2009 through my articles and pictures published on this site. To read what’s behind each image (and to see much more pictures) the best way is to go to the “Archive of the previous month” menu on the right hand column and, by selecting desired month, to access all the posts written in that month. Otherwise, you may also use the search box located on top of the right hand column.

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David Cenciotti is a journalist based in Rome, Italy. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviationist”, one of the world’s most famous and read military aviation blogs. Since 1996, he has written for major worldwide magazines, including Air Forces Monthly, Combat Aircraft, and many others, covering aviation, defense, war, industry, intelligence, crime and cyberwar. He has reported from the U.S., Europe, Australia and Syria, and flown several combat planes with different air forces. He is a former 2nd Lt. of the Italian Air Force, a private pilot and a graduate in Computer Engineering. He has written five books and contributed to many more ones.
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