Tag: UAV

The F-35I Adir Scored First Air-To-Air Kill Shooting Down Iranian Drones Last Year

The Israeli Adirs became the first F-35s to destroy airborne targets last…

Iran showcases Shahed 181 and 191 drones during “Great Prophet 14” Exercise

The drones, reverse engineered from the captured U.S. stealthy RQ-170, were filmed…

Israeli Air Force Fires Patriot Missile At Drone That Approached Israel’s border with Syria

The missile launch did not result in a downing: the UAV moved…

Israeli F-16I Sufa Crashes After Coming Under Massive Anti-Aircraft Fire From Syrian Air Defense

Iranian UAV that infiltrated the Israeli airspace is shot down by an…

Defining Asymmetrical Warfare: Extremists Use Retail Drones to Attack Russian Air Base in Syria

One Aircraft Heavily Damaged in Most Recent in String of Low-Cost Insurgent…

Chinese Stealth Goes Operational, Carrier Program and Export Initiatives Accelerate

China Has Emerged as a Preeminent Global Strategic Super Power: What Does…