Tag: UAS

Stealthy drone crash in Iran update: "The recovery team couldn’t find it to blow it up" source says

Even if official sources have already confirmed that a (stealthy) US robot…

The most unusual display team ever: two jet planes and a jet man. Is this the future of military aviation?

Yves Rossy is pilot with experience with the Dassault Mirage III and…

Mini-Drones, SAMP/T, Storm Shadow and a Lotus "Evora" at the Italian Armed Forces Day

The Italian Armed Forces Day exhibition, held each year in Rome inside…

Infected US drones: rather embarrassing but (probably) no big deal

Even though the news that a computer virus has infected US Predator and…

"Say cheese" and you are dead: the Israeli Tamuz missile disclosed

The following screenshot is taken from a video released by the Israel…