F-16 Turns 50 Special: What It Takes To Become A Viper Pilot
Before flying the Viper operationally, pilots have to get through the nine-month…
Alabama ANG Continues Red Tail Legacy With F-35
The Alabama ANG recently received its first F-35 jets, and the flagship…
‘Vandy 1’ F/A-18F And U-2 Recreate Famous F-4 And SR-71 Photo
The “Vandy 1” Super Hornet of VX-9 and the U-2S of the…
U-2s Accompanied By Chase Cars Take Part In Rare Elephant Walk At Beale AFB
Eight U-2s lined up on Beale’s runway, together with nine T-38s and…
B-1B Bomber Crashes While Landing At Ellsworth AFB, Crew Ejects Safely
The incident happened at the end of a training mission in poor…
Legendary Pilot Bob Pardo, Who Pushed A Damaged F-4 With His F-4 Over Vietnam, Has Died
Bob Pardo passed away earlier this month at the age of 89.…