Tag: Turkey

Turkey’s New Hürkuş-II Primary Flight Trainer Takes to the Skies

The Hürkuş-II will replace the TAF’s current Hürkuş-B trainers, with the first…

Baykar Bid Wins Competition to Acquire Italian Manufacturer Piaggio

Turkish manufacturer Baykar, which has risen to fame for its military UAVs,…

Spain Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Turkey to Procure Hurjet

Few months after the evaluation in Spain, the Turkish Hurjet trainer has…

RAF Typhoons Visit Turkey’s Mürted Air Base as Ankara Pushes to Acquire the Fighters

The RAF Typhoons, which were returning from the Advanced Tactical Leadership Course…

Twelve Former RAF C-130J Hercules Reportedly Acquired by Turkey

Following earlier rumors, Turkey has reportedly purchased twelve C-130J Hercules transport aircraft…

Turkey Drops Imported Modernization Kits for F-16s Over ‘Cheaper’ Domestic Program

Turkey will drop the plan to purchase 79 modernization kits for its…