Military and Contract Air Assets (Including U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper Drones) Key in Fighting Largest Ever California Wildfires.
All Available Airborne Fire Fighting Assets Pressed into Service, Fires Continue. A…
Close Call: CL-415 Canadair Hits A Barge After Scooping Water In Scary Footage
Physical damage but no injuries. Impressive! Reportedly filmed at Vallabrègues, on the left…
Amazing video of the Spanish Air Force 43 Group flying the “Superscooper” shows why firefighting missions are a bit hazardous
The 43 Group (Grupo) is a unit of the Spanish Air Force…
Avialsa's Air Tractor AT-802F FireBoss
I've recently written about the Italian Canadairs (read here:, however, there…
The Italian Canadairs in seasonal firefighting service
This Summer I've spent two weeks in Sardinia island, the second-largest island…