Tag: B-52

U.S. Air Force Has Kicked Off The B-52’s Radar Modernization Program

The B-52 Radar Modernization Program has just started. With the landing at…

Declassified Video Shows How B-52 Crews Would Conduct Nuclear Strikes During Cold War

A 1960 Strategic Air Command training video familiarized B-52 crews with the…

Testing Of Rolls-Royce F130 Engines For The B-52 Bomber Has Begun

Rolls-Royce has begun testing F130 engines for the United States Air Force…

AGM-183 ARRW Test Launch Finally Succeeds After Three Botched Attempts

The weapon’s booster ignited and burned for the expected duration, achieving hypersonic…

DARPA Discloses Second Successful Flight for Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept

The test, the first for Lockheed Martin’s HAWC prototype, happened last month…

U.S. F-35s Forward Deployed To Romania, Estonia And Lithuania

The F-35As that were in Germany have been moved on the eastern…