A Space Odyssey: Italian Astronaut shares his terrifying near-drowning experience during spacewalk
In a blog post published on the ESA (European Space Agency) website, Luca Parmitano, the Italian astronaut who almost drowned last month when his hemet filled with water, provided more…
Amateur video showing China’s second stealth plane’s test flight emerges
The prototype of a J-31 Falcon Eagle, China’s second stealth fighter jet that performed its maiden flight on Oct 31, 2012, can be (barely) seen in this video most probably…
Super cool video shows approach, landing and parking onboard the USS Truman aircraft carrier
The following video shows what approaching, landing and parking onboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier looks like from the cockpit of a C-2 Greyhound COD (Carrier Onboard Delivery) plane. The…
Space Invaders in the desert: ISS Astronaut shoots weird infrastructure in southern Egypt
Among the interesting photographs of the Earth he has taken from the ISS, Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano (the one whose helmet filled with fluid during a recent spacewalk) has recently…
NVG video: F-35B Accomplishes First Night Vertical Landing Aboard USS WASP
On Aug. 14, the first DT-II (Developmental Test Phase Two - the second of three planned tests aimed at expanding the F-35B’s shipboard operating envelope for the U.S. Marine Corps)…
China’s Air Force aerobatic display team to attend first ever air show abroad. In Russia
The Chinese national aerobatic team, named August 1st (after the date of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Air Force) is to be the highlight on the MAKS 2013…