Here’s The Video Of the Russian Su-27 Flanker Buzzing A U.S. Navy EP-3 Aries Over The Black Sea
For the first time in a few years, the U.S. Navy has released the video of the dangerous interaction between a Navy spyplane and a Russian fighter. On Jan. 29,…
Here Are The F/A-18C Hornet Jets That Enforced The No-Fly Zone Over Davos During World Economic Forum 2018
We went to Meiringen to see the Swiss "Legacy" Hornets involved in the WEF 2018 air defense. From Jan. 22 to 27, Swiss Air Force F/A-18C/D Hornet jets contributed to…
Check Out This F-16C From Nellis Air Force Base’s Aggressor Squadron Wearing The Have Glass V Paint Scheme
To our knowledge, there are three new F-16Cs (including this one from the 64th AGRS) sporting the Have Glass V paint scheme. The photos in this post (released by the Australian…
Australian EA-18G Growler Jet Damaged in Incident at Nellis Air Force Base
Aircraft Photographed with Smoke from End of Runway. Crew Reported as Uninjured. A Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft is being reported as damaged in an…
Interesting Photos Show U.S. Air Force F-35A Stealth Jets Deployed To Japan About To Launch Without Radar Reflectors
Some recent photos of the Hill AFB F-35s deployed to Kadena Okinawa, seem to suggest the 5th Generation fighters have started operating in "stealth mode". Stealth aircraft, such as the…
Myanmar to Buy Six Sukhoi Su-30 “Generation 4+” Combat Aircraft from Russia
Multirole Sukhoi to Become Primary Combat Aircraft of Myanmar Air Force. Myanmar has confirmed its commitment to purchase six new Russian-built Sukhoi Su-30 multi-role advanced tactical aircraft. Russian news agency…