Lightning Strike Tore A Person-Sized Gash In B-52 Bomber Tail
A lightning struck a B-52 Stratofortress assigned to the 307th Bomb Wing upon final approach to Barksdale Air Force Base: the tail of the aircraft was damaged beyond repair. On Dec.…
Israeli F-16I Sufa Crashes After Coming Under Massive Anti-Aircraft Fire From Syrian Air Defense
Iranian UAV that infiltrated the Israeli airspace is shot down by an AH-64 Apache. Then, Israeli Air Force jets launch retaliatory air strikes in Syria. An F-16I is hit and…
Falcon Heavy is Not Only a Revolution in Space Travel, But Also in Aerospace Media
The World Was in Awe of The Space X Falcon Heavy Launch, And with Good Reason. Like many social media users, you may not have known about the Space X…
Watch an A-10 Thunderbolt II Put Four Cannon Rounds on Target with Amazing Precision
Video Shows One Reason Proponents Say A-10’s Heavy Gun Still Remains Relevant. Arguments about weapons systems tend to be circular and hard to win. The discussion about close air support,…
These Are The Latest Eurofighter Typhoon Jets For The Royal Air Force of Oman
Two new Eurofighter Typhoons on delivery to Oman. On Feb. 5, two Eurofighter Typhoons for the RAFO (Royal Air Force of Oman) made a stopover in Malta Luqa airport on…
Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks, ADS-B May Expose F-22s To Web Based Tracking GAO Warns
A new report highlights the risks of ADS-B transponders. But it focuses on technology rather than operation security. We have been writing about this topic since 2011. As most of…