Sabers Rattle as New Round of Brinkmanship Appears to Unfold Off Syrian Coast.
Syrian Situation Update The U.S. administration has suggested there may be an impending military response to the claims of a chemical attack on the Syrian city of Douma on Saturday,…
Check Out This Cool Video Of Three B-2 Stealth Bombers Contrailing Over Kansas
The stunning sight of a B-2 Stealth Bomber 3-ship formation. Filmed on Apr. 4, the video below shows three B-2s over Pittsburg, Kansas. The stealth bombers headed southwest then made…
The Historic Thanh Hóa Bridge Raid: A Historic Lesson in Adaptive Air Combat and The Cost of Getting It Wrong.
4 April, 1965. Above Thanh Hóa, (then) North Vietnam. It was like trying to hit a needle in a haystack, kill a fly with a sledgehammer, or whatever analogy you…
Italian Air Force F-35A Lightning II Aircraft Have Completed Their First Deployment To “Deci”
Four ItAF stealth jets have completed their first training campaign in Sardinia. Last month, four F-35A aircraft with the 13° Gruppo (Squadron) of the 32° Stormo (Wing) from Amendola, in…
Eyes On Crimea: U.S. Intelligence Gathering Aircraft Increasingly Flying Over the Black Sea
Online flight tracking suggests increase in missions flown by U.S. manned and unmanned aircraft near Crimea. It's no secret that U.S. RQ-4 Global Hawk UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) belonging to…
Air Force Identifies Thunderbird F-16 Pilot Killed in Crash at Nevada Test and Training Range.
USAF Major Stephen Del Bagno, Thunderbird #4, Was Experienced Pilot, First Year Thunderbird. Update: a previous version of the story only mentioned the flyover at the Daytona 500 whereas the…