Latest Troubled Areas News
Check out this cool new video of the Russia’s supermaneuverable Sukhoi Su-35S doing some impressive (and probably worthless) stunts
Let's have a look at the Su-35s 4++ generation jet through a…
Analysis: Russian Air Strike in Syria Results in Turkish Casualties
A Russian Tactical Air Strike in Al-Bab, Syria Kills Three Turkish Soldiers:…
Gigantic U.S. Global Hawk drone could be tracked online while flying 21-hour mission over Libya
We can’t say whether it happened by accident or on purpose, but…
What has emerged so far about the deadly U.S. Special Operations on Al Qaeda in Yemen
Yemen Raid by U.S. Navy Task Force Blue Yields Intelligence on Terror…
Up close and personal with the first Saudi F-15SA, the most advanced Eagle ever built
This stunning air-to-air video shows the most advanced variant of the Eagle…
U.S. MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft crash lands in Yemen during Special OPS raid on Al Qaeda
A U.S. Marine Corps Osprey that was supporting the first known counterterrorism…