Latest F-35 News
Looks Like Poland Wants To Replace Its Soviet-era MiG-29 And Su-22 Jets With The F-35 At Any Cost
Is Poland Getting the F-35 in its Harpia Program? In early April,…
U.S. Air Force F-35A 5th Generation Aircraft Have Arrived in UAE for Type’s First Deployment To The Middle East.
F-35A Lightning IIs from active duty 388th and reserve 419th Fighter Wings…
The Hunt for “Grey April”: The Massive Search Operation for a Missing Japanese F-35.
U.S. Joins Search Operation for Missing JASDF F-35 Lost in 10,000 Feet…
Here’s What Three Italian F-35 Instructor Pilots With 62nd FS Have To Say About Their First Red Flag With The Lightning II
ItAF aircrews with the 62nd FS were literally enthusiastic about their first…
Italian Air Force F-35 Jets Take Part In “Lightning Thunder Over Europe” Exercise
The Italian Air Force F-35 Lightning II aircraft are pretty busy these…
A Close Look At The Italian F-35A Jets Involved in Advanced “Omnirole” Training In Sardinia
We went to Decimomannu airbase to observe the Italian F-35s at work.…