Bird Strike Damages Super Hornet’s Intake And Engine Resulting In Class A Mishap (+2.5M USD And/Or Total Loss)
An F/A-18F Super Hornet suffered a bird strike during a mission out…
Israeli Air Force Details How F-35I “Adir” Stealth Jet’s Coating Is Cleaned To Preserve Low Observability
The F-35I "Adir" (just like any other Lightning II aircraft) requires the…
Italian Navy Officer Arrested Over Alleged Spying For Russia. Two Russian Diplomats Expelled From Italy
An Italy Navy officer caught passing classified documents to Russian diplomats for…
NATO Interceptors Scrambled 10 Times In 6 Hours To Shadow Russian Bombers And Fighters Near Alliance Airspace
NATO fighter jets shadowed Russian bombers and fighters during an "unusual peak…
Two Russian Navy MiG-31BM Interceptors Have Flown Over The North Pole For The First Time Ever
The Russian Navy MiG-31BM Foxhound interceptors flew over the North Pole within…
EA-6B Prowler Front Cockpit Video Filmed While Flying Low Level Along VR-1355 Military Training Route
This is what it looked like to fly low level in the…