Month: February 2016

Job done! Russia’s most advanced spyplane is returning home after deployment in Syria

The Tu-214R is currently returning to Russia after a 14-day deployment to…

Intense video brings you aboard USMC Huey helicopters during night and day CAS training

Join this Huey door gunner as he unloads on targets at Yodaville.…

Here’s how JSOW, MALD and HARM can disrupt adversary air defenses while protecting friendly forces

An interesting overview of those technologies that would be part of any…

This helocast insertion is one of the first ever conducted by a V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft

Helocast insertion, Osprey style. Filmed on Feb. 10, 2016 the following video…

The U.S. Air Force has revealed the first image of its future Long Range Strike bomber: the B-21

Here is the Northrop Grumman B-21, quite similar to the Northrop Grumman…