Month: December 2013

Year 2013 in review through The Aviationist’s Top 5 articles

The five top stories of The Aviationist provide the readers the opportunity…

Video shows Russian ICBM warheads hit targets on test range

Whereas the are plenty of videos showing Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) being…

[Photo] AB.212 Twin Huey helicopter winching training in Malta

Taken on Nov. 7 by The Aviationist's contributor Estelle Calleja, the following…

New details about the epic B-52 mission to rescue a Cessna in Alaska

As we reported few weeks ago, on Nov. 10, two B-52s, launched…

A Brief History of Pilots and Astronauts Wrist Watches

The pilot wrist watch is an instrument which has been present in…

F-22 will provide targeting for submarine based Tomahawk cruise missiles

In an interview General Hawk Carlisle gave to Breaking Defense, the PACAF commander…