Turkey’s Bayraktar TB3 UCAV Conducts First Test with MAM-T Laser Guided Bombs

This was the first flight test of munitions on the TB3, which…

Kratos’ Thanatos UCAV Has Flown for the First Time

A year after it was first unveiled, Kratos announced it flew the…

Turkey’s TB3 UCAV Takes Off, Lands ‘Autonomously’ On TCG Anadolu Amphibious Assault Ship

The TB3’s second prototype conducted its first flight from the ship, which…

Lockheed Martin Developing New Collaborative Combat Aircraft Technology for F-35s

Despite missing out on the USAF’s first CCA contract, Lockheed Martin is…

Production Prototype of Turkey’s Kizilelma UCAV Makes Maiden Flight With New Engine and Sensors

The third prototype of Kizilelma is also the production prototype, which shows…

Turkey’s ANKA III UCAV Flies with Munition for the First Time

The ANKA III was ‘airborne’ with a Teber-82 guided munition mounted on…