Additional Su-34 Fullbacks, Su-57 Felons Delivered to Russian Air Force as Year Draws to a Close
UAC has delivered six batches of Su-34s and three of Su-57 during…
Russia’s Monster FAB-3000 Glide Bomb Shown Employed By Su-34 Bombers
The RuMoD extensively captured in a video the bomb’s loading, carriage, release,…
New Batch Of Su-34 Fullback Jets Delivered To Russian Air Force As Moscow Offsets Losses
The addition to the fleet comes amid considerable losses of the fighter…
The Ukrainian Air Force Claims To Have Shot Down Three Russian Su-34s Today
According to the Ukrainian military, three Su-34 Fullback aircraft would have been…
New Unsafe Interaction Between Russian And Coalition Aircraft In Syria
A day after the previous incident, a new one is being reported…
Russian Air Force Su-34 Fullbacks Operate From An Under Construction Highway In Central Russia
The exercise in the Central Military District involved 12 Su-34s, 2 An-26s…