Tag: Northrop F-5

Why Did a South Vietnamese Fighter Bomb the South Vietnamese Presidential Palace?

Near the end of the war in Vietnam, an American-built Northrop F-5…

The F-5 Freedom Fighter Reaches 50 Years Of Service In The Spanish Air Force

The F-5 flew for more than 170,000 hours and contributed to the…

Tactical Air and Draken International Get Adversary Training Contracts

The two companies join ATAC to provide Red Air aircraft to support…

F-5 Tiger jets perform ultra low level flyby pruning trees in the process

This is probably the coolest way to trim your trees. The video…

Why the F-5 Tiger was the perfect plane to simulate Soviet “Bandits” in adversary missions

Developed as an advanced version of the F-5 fighter, the Northrop F-5E…