Tag: F-35I Adir

The Israeli Air Force Has Inaugurated Its Second F-35I Adir Squadron

The 116th Squadron "Lions of the South", based at Nevatim in southern…

The Israeli Air Force Completes Blue Flag 2019 Exercise With the F-35I Adir

This was the first international exercise for the Adir, which trained with…

Here’s Everything We Know About The Alleged Israeli Air Force F-35 Air Strike on an Iranian Base in Iraq

According to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that cites anonymous western diplomats, the Israeli…

Israeli Air Force Prepares To Induct Second F-35I “Adir” Squadron

The 116th Squadron will be officially re-established in one year and will…

Israeli Air Force F-35I “Adir” Involved In A Bird Strike Incident Gets Grounded

An Israeli Air Force F-35 has been involved in a bird strike…