[Photo] All three F-35 variants fly together for the first time
F-35A, F-35B and F-35C Joint Strike Fighters flying together. A nice photo…
Video: First F-35 Carrier Variant night flight. With heavy afterburner usage.
After the first cool images, here's the video of the F-35C test…
This is one of the coolest F-35 photos, ever: Carrier Variant first night take off with full afterburner
The following image shows Marine Corps test pilot Lt. Col. Matt Taylor…
Photo: U.S. Navy Carrier Variant F-35C's first formation flight
On Apr. 18, two F-35C Lightning II carrier variant aircraft launched together…
UK to reverse decision on F-35 version. Two aircraft carriers and 72 retired Harriers later.
After the first of the UK’s F-35s took to the air on…
"F-35C unable to land aboard aircraft carriers" report says. U.S. Navy and Royal Navy have something to be worried about.
As highlighted by an interesting article published on F-16.net, among all the…