Tag: drones

Turkey’s TB3 UCAV Takes Off, Lands ‘Autonomously’ On TCG Anadolu Amphibious Assault Ship

The TB3’s second prototype conducted its first flight from the ship, which…

For the First Time, a General Atomics Gray Eagle STOL UAV Took Off from a South Korean Amphibious Assault Ship

The Gray Eagle STOL was transported onto the Dokdo disassembled a week…

Live Model of China’s CH-7 Flying Wing Stealth UCAV Revealed

The new flying wing CH-7 UCAV has a blended wing-body airframe with…

USV and UUV Maritime Drones Tested at AUKUS’s Autonomous Warrior 24 in Australia

AUKUS countries are advancing their undersea warfare capabilities by expanding the ability…

U.S. Air Force Chief Weighs In on Drone Employment in Ukraine, Middle East and Western Pacific

General David Allvin advised against directly replicating the drones used in Ukraine…