Below you can find the transcript of a PSYOPS message sent on Mar. 27, 2011, on HF freq. 10405 KHz that was intercepted by an Italian radio ham, who recorded it and published it on Youtube with basic information. The message was probably broadcasted by the USAF EC-130J (00-1934/STEEL74) of the 193 SOS, operating out of Souda Bay, Crete, and it is particularly interesting since it invites, in both American and Arabic languages (with a strong Iraqi accent, I was told), sailors and naval officers of a Libyan ship to leave the vessel and return to their families.

Below is a transcript of the part of the message that was recorded by the Italian radio ham. At the bottom of the page you can hear the message by means of the video uploaded on Youtube.

“The Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution ordering the end of hostilities in your country. Do not take part in further hostilities. Refuse any order to harm your fellow countrymen or Libyan facilities. Return to your home and family.


Your family needs you. Return home safely. Lay down you arms and refuse orders from your current illegitimate government. Any hostilities against coalition forces will be met with deadly force. Do not harm your fellow countryman. Stop fighting. Abandon your equipment and weapon and return home safely.


Libyan ship or vessel remain anchored. Do not leave port. The Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution that is ordering the end of hostilities in your country. If you attempt to leave port you will be attacked and destroyed immediately. For your own safety, do not leave port.


Leave your position immediately and return to port. The Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution ordering the end of hostilities in your country. If you leave now and return to port, no harm will come to you. For your own safety, return to port now.


Libyan sailors, leave your ship immediately, leave your equipment and return to your family or your home. The Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution that is ordering the end of hostilities in your country. For your safety, leave your ship immediately. Do not attempt to return to your ship.


Libyan naval officers, leave your ship immediately. For your own safety return to your family or your home. The Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution ordering the end of hostilities in your country. Leave your equipment, take only your personal belonging and return to your family or your home. Libyan naval officers, the Gaddafi regime forces are violating a United Nation resolution ordering the end of hostilities in your country, your sailors have been ordered to leave your ship immediately, you should do so as well. Leave your equipment, take only your personal belonging and return to your family or your home.


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