Argentina Unveils its First F-16B in Official Ceremony
A decade after retiring the Dassault Mirage III, the Argentine Air Force has regained a supersonic fighter capability with the introduction of the F-16. The Argentine Air Force’s (Fuerza Aérea…
OA-1K Officially Dubbed Skyraider II, Honoring the Legendary A-1 Skyraider
AFSOC leaders broke the news today at the Special Air Warfare Symposium. The name pays tribute to the battle-tested legacy of the A-1 Skyraider, a tough and adaptable warbird that…
U.S. Air Force Completes Final F-16 Sortie at Luke AFB
After 42 years, the 56th Fighter Wing completed its final U.S. local training sortie with the F-16 and will now focus only on F-35 training. The U.S. Air Force’s 56th…
Sikorsky Envisions X2 Technology as the Helicopter Equivalent of the F-35
Sikorsky shared its concept vision for a future X2 aircraft, interestingly envisioning it as an F-35 Lightning II parallel in the low-altitude domain. After the cancellation of the Future Attack…
The Patrulla Águila Set to Replace C-101 Jet with PC-21 Turboprops
Local media reports say the Patrulla Aguila is set to change its mount to the Pilatus PC-21 after 40 years and over 500 shows with the Spanish-made CASA C-101. This…
Iran’s Yak-130 Shoots Down Drone During Exercise with MiG-29s
During its first operational exercise, the Iranian Yak-130 coordinated with two MiG-29s to intercept and destroy a target drone with a R-73E air-to-air missile. A little over two months after…