The U.S. Air Force Has Released The First Official Images Of The B-52 In Orange Paint Scheme
The B-52 sporting the amazing throwback paint scheme has returned at Barksdale Air Force Base. As reported in details a few days ago, a U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bomber…
Germany’s Renaissance Fighter: The Heinkel He 51
Kept under a veil of civilian airlines, glider clubs, and civil aviation clubs, the Luftwaffe emerged as a military force while the rest of Europe slept, and the He 51…
U.S. Air Force Airman Develops 3D-Printed Insert to Solve Perennial 20 mm Ammunition Jams While Loading
The 3D-printed insert allows to address a design issue of the machinery used to handle 20 mm munitions for the M61 Vulcan Gatling gun, demonstrating the increasing use of additive…
U.S. Navy Tests Sonobuoy Deployment from CH-53E Super Stallion Helicopter
Reminiscent of early-World War I bomber tactics, the Navy has tested hand-deploying sonobuoys from the CH-53E heavy-lift helicopter. Announced on Sept. 27, 2024, the United States Navy said it had…
Ellsworth’s B-1B Lancers Practice Long-Range Strikes with JASSMs in Full-Scale Readiness Exercise Raider Reach
Raider Reach evaluated Ellsworth’s capability to generate and execute long-range strikes around the globe with the B-1B through realistic combat and emergency scenarios simulated during the first full-scale readiness exercise…
Taiwan Receives First Batch of U.S. Harpoon Block II Anti-Ship Missiles
Taiwan has announced a new Coastal Defense Command, scheduled to operationalize by 2026 and to employ shore-fired anti-ship Harpoons Block II and Taiwan’s own Hsiung Feng-series of anti-ship missiles. Reports…