Prototypes of Su-57 Make Debut at Chinese Airshow, Offering Unprecedented Access to the ‘Felon’
The two Su-57s drew public attention in Zhuhai, though the reaction and commentary about the Russian jet were not particularly enthusiastic regarding its manufacturing quality. The Russian Su-57 (NATO reporting…
FRCSW Completes Final Maintenance On Its Last Legacy Hornet
FRCSW managed to push the Legacy F/A-18’s service hours well beyond its original 6,000-flight-hour expectation, with some even exceeding 9,000 hours. Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW), at NAS North Island,…
USV and UUV Maritime Drones Tested at AUKUS’s Autonomous Warrior 24 in Australia
AUKUS countries are advancing their undersea warfare capabilities by expanding the ability to launch and recover uncrewed underwater systems from torpedo tubes on British and US submarines, increasing the range…
U.S. Air Force Chief Weighs In on Drone Employment in Ukraine, Middle East and Western Pacific
General David Allvin advised against directly replicating the drones used in Ukraine for immediate deployment in the maritime theater of Far East Asia. He stated that 150 CCAs would be…
Everything You Need To Know About Last Year’s Bizarre ‘Unmanned’ F-35 Crash
The 2023 crash of the F-35B, which continued flying for 64 miles after the pilot ejected, was attributed to pilot error. The investigation revealed that the pilot followed an appropriate…
Photographer Takes Breathtaking Images Of B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber During Test Flight
Sightings of the B-21 Raider stealth bomber are becoming more frequent on the U.S. West Coast, as testing of the 6th generation bomber continues. On Oct. 31, 2024, aviation photographer…