Watch A German Eurofighter Fly Ultra Low Level In Australia In This Stunning 360-degree Video
The German Air Force released an amazing 360-degree footage of a Eurofighter flying over the Northern Territory. The German Air Force has deployed six Eurofighters, four A400M and three A330…
NATO Days 2022: Projecting Unity In A Period Of Crisis
Czech defense and security show: a useful part of NATO's PR strategy Yet again we have attended the NATO Days show in the vicinity of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Being more…
Dissecting The Italian Defense Planning Document For 2022-2024
The Italian MoD is continuing the modernization of the military, with investments in many areas that will also sustain the national industry. The Italian government published, during the summer, the…
The New B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber To Be Unveiled In First Week Of December
Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Air Force have announced that the roll out of the B-21 Raider will be in early December. "Northrop Grumman Corporation, in partnership with the U.S.…
Switzerland Signs F-35 Procurement Contract
With the deal now formalized, 36 F-35s will be delivered beginning from 2027. The Swiss Government confirmed that the procurement program for the F-35 Lightning II has finally been signed…
EC-130J Psychological Warfare Aircraft Performs Final Broadcast
"Commando Solo, music off." The EC-130J used for PSYOPS retires. The EC-130J is a particular version of the EC-130 aircraft flying with the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and used for…