Italian Air Force’s 156th Squadron Reactivated At Luke AFB
The 156° Gruppo (Squadron) at Luke AFB, Arizona, will be the F-35…
‘Indo-Pacific Jump’: Italian Contingent Of F-35A, F-35B, AV-8B, Eurofighter Jets Deploy To Japan, Australia For Joint Drills
For the first time, Italian Air Force and Navy fighters will also…
Leonardo AW609 Tilt-Rotor Aircraft Conducts First Trials Aboard Italy’s Cavour Aircraft Carrier
The AW609 completed the first shipboard trials with the support of the…
Sentry Aloha 24-2: Joint Forces Showcase Advanced Combat Training
Sentry Aloha 24-2 Unites Total Force Warfighters in Hawaii. Exercise Sentry Aloha…
Norwegian F-35 To Fly Using Biofuel By The End of The Year
Exploring Biofuel Technology: Recent Advancements and its Strategic Applications in Military Aviation.…