B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers Conducted Hot-Pit Refueling at Wake Island
Hot-pit refueling is required to operate out of locations with limited support…
White House Authorizes “Offensive Operations” As Part of New Cyber Security Strategy
The WH and the Pentagon have a plan to step up offensive…
U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Jets Involved In First Operational Deployment Near the Horn of Africa Flying With External Gun Pod
Photos show Marines F-35B aircraft carrying the external gun pod during exercise…
New “Bulge” On Top Of U.S. Marine Corps and AFSOC’s V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft Is A Radome That Houses A SATCOM Antenna
The new "bulge" is a radome for the Ku Ka antenna used…
Let’s Recap Everything We Know About The Russian Il-20M Shot Down By A Syrian S-200 Missile System Yesterday
The Il-20M was shot down off Syria shortly after an Israeli air…
The Royal Saudi Air Force Has Prepared A Series Of Special Color Jets For The Kingdom’s 88th National Day Celebrations
The photographs of the special colored Tornado, Typhoon, F-15S, F-15C and MRTT…