Second KC-390 Millennium for Portugal
The Portuguese Air Force has received its second KC-390 airlifter. On June…
These Photos Provide a Size Comparison Between the New AIM-174B and AIM-120 Missiles
The air-launched SM-6, designated AIM-174B, is significantly larger than the AIM-120 AMRAAM…
Italian Air Force Suspends 1.2 Billion Euro KC-46 Program
The service communicated last week to the Ministry of Defense the decision…
U.S. Air Force to Station F-15EX, F-35A in Japan
Department of Defense (DoD) announces plan to outfit Misawa Air Base With…
First Images Emerge Of U.S. Navy Super Hornet Carrying Two Air-Launched SM-6 Missiles
The two missiles sport the designation XAIM-174B (or NAIM-174B) and were carried…
Italian Air Force’s 156th Squadron Reactivated At Luke AFB
The 156° Gruppo (Squadron) at Luke AFB, Arizona, will be the F-35…