The F-35 Plays Starring Role In Exercise “INIOCHOS 2019” in Greece
The multinational exercise saw the participation of assets from Greece, Israel, UAE,…
Italian Typhoon Jets Scrambled To Intercept TUI Fly Boeing 737 Over Montenegro
The airliner had lost contact with the Air Traffic Control, sparking the…
Dutch F-16 Hit By Own Bullet During Mission At The Firing Range.
Ricocheting bullets can be extremely dangerous. A Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16…
Japanese F-35 Lightning II Stealth Aircraft Reported Missing Over The Pacific Ocean
The aircraft has disappeared at around 19.27LT. The status of the aircraft…
Behold This Somehow Funny Photo Of Three Italian Typhoon Jets Escorting a Danish Seahawk Helicopter
When you have to escort a Slow Mover you may need to…
You Have To Watch This Crazy Cool Video Of The Last JASDF F-4EJ “OJIRO” Phantoms Of The 302nd Squadron
What an incredible footage of the 302nd Squadron Phantoms! On Mar. 19,…