Rafale’s Sonic Boom During Intercept Shakes Paris, Disrupts French Open Tennis Match
A loud bang was heard as a French Rafale flew at supersonic…
A.T.ISOL Biocontainment System Turns The C-27J Spartan Into A Flying Intensive Care Unit For Covid-19 Patients
Leonardo has tested integration of ATIs (Air Transit Isolators) aboard the multi-mission…
Video Emerges Of Marine Corps F-35B Crashing Into The Ground After Mid-Air Collision With KC-130J
The footage shows the USMC 5th Generation jet bursting into flames upon…
Armenia Releases Images Of Su-25 Wreckage. Continues To Claim It Was Shot Down by Turkish F-16
Armenians Allege Su-25 Was Downed at Long Range by Turkish Viper. Turkey…
[Updated] Marine Corps F-35B Crashes, KC-130J Crash Lands After Mid-Air Collision. All Aircrew Safe.
The incident occurred during air-to-air refueling. At approximately 16.00LT on Sept. 29,…
Yes, U.S. RC-135s Have Used Bogus Hex Codes To Transmit A False Identity. But It’s Not To Fool China Or Other Enemies.
The U.S. Air Force intelligence aircraft have been using fake Mode-S codes,…